203-888-8873 sales@turfmdinc.com

Lawn Care Tips


Important Cultural Practices

To keep your lawn healthy and green during warmer months proper cultural practices are key!


  • 5” -2” of water needed per week
  • Deep and infrequent watering at least twice a week in every other day intervals( 4+ times a week may be necessary during extended heat and drought stretches)
  • Morning watering is highly recommended ( afternoon watering does not allow leaf blades to soak in moisture and watering at night promotes leaf wetness which increases conditions for disease)
  • Lack of watering primarily during times of high heat and little to no rainfall can cause your lawn to enter dormancy. The grass will shut down (turn brown) to protect itself but will recover with water and cooler temps. ( Severe drought however can cause areas to not recover from dormancy)



  • Keep mow height between 3-4 inches. Taller grass blades mean taller roots which are critical during summer.
  • Avoid cutting too much off grass blade. Removing more than 1/3 of the grass blade at a time causes stress to the plant.
  • Keep mower blades clean and sharp. Dirty blades can harbor disease which can spread during mowing and dull blades can fray and create an “open wound” effect making it easier for disease to infect your lawn
  • Mulch clippings. Grass clippings contain nutrients that can help your lawn stay healthy. ( It is important to bag them when trying to help lawn recover from disease or when lawn is very wet and clippings could clump up and smother areas)

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(203) 888-8873 or sales@turfmdinc.com

Creating and maintaining a beautiful lawn takes more than regular watering and lawn maintenance. Using tools such as: individualized soil testing and turf analysis, we can determine the best program for your property and apply the right amount of nutrients to establish a healthy lawn with beautiful color and growth. You can contact us today to schedule your no-cost consultation!